McCormack+Kristel Founder, Joe McCormack, Releases Memoir

Congratulations to McCormack + Kristel Founder and pioneering search consultant, Joe McCormack! Joe recently published his absorbing memoir Until the End is Known: A Bisexual Odyssey. Until the End is Known is an insightful tale of Joe's experiences as an out bisexual man during a lifetime of social change and evolving queer liberation. It is also an honest portrayal of his path to sobriety, his lifelong quest for spiritual fulfillment, and the professional journey that led to his founding of the first openly LGBTQ-owned, diversity-focused retained search firm. Each chapter reveals the depth of Joe's wisdom, integrity, and humanity.  Kudos, Joe!


Alba Rodriguez Celebrates 2 Years as the YWCA-NYC’s Chief Executive Officer


Anya Lynn-Alesker named new Executive Director of the National LGBTQ+ Bar Association