Meet the Team: Michelle Kristel

What makes you passionate about your work in executive search?

Our work is endlessly fascinating. I love learning about our client organizations, their missions, their programs, and the communities they serve. And I am privileged to meet so many remarkable candidates. Discovering what drives them and hearing about their impressive accomplishments is uplifting and humbling.

What does it mean to you to be a part of a diversity-focused firm?

It means that we lead with our values in every aspect of our work. Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are the pillars of our firm. Whether we are refining our internal practices, assessing a client organization’s policies and culture, or coaching search committees to mitigate bias in candidate evaluation, the principles of DEIB are paramount in everything we do.

What are your favorite kinds of searches to work on?

Every client and each search is different, which is what makes our work so interesting. It’s hard to pick favorites but I do love CEO/ED searches. I am awed and inspired by the dedication of board members who volunteer to serve on a search committee.

How do you maintain health and emotional well-being throughout the workday?

Lots of water and a proper lunch break, ideally with my partner.

What is your favorite way to unwind and relax after a productive day?

During Covid, I started going for a walk in the park at the end of the workday and the routine has stuck. I listen to NPR’s All Things Considered, catch up on the news of the day, and get some exercise and fresh air.

What's your favorite way to celebrate after a successful search?

Gathering with the team, reflecting on our search journey, and appreciating the individual contributions that got us to a great outcome.


Leading Diversity-Centric Executive Search Firm McCormack + Kristel Recognized by Forbes and the Healthcare Business Review in 2023 Lists


Meet the Team: Zaria Davis